BlackBerry’s Next Killer App

The reason I own a BlackBerry is because my days are just so much easier with it. To some it may sound like a luxury, but in actuality it becomes a necessity when the device gets put to use. However, having over 225,000 apps can be a luxury, but that is not what BlackBerry is in the game for. Some of BlackBerry’s success ties to its unique UI , which is a rich innovation in itself. So what next? The next big innovation will determine the future of RIM.

Ron and William are right. BlackBerry users need to understand that just because there are more apps available for the iPhone, does not mean that RIM’s end is near. BlackBerry does not need to compete with Droid, Apple, Palm or other in having the most apps, rather focus on improving and developing new functions that make BlackBerry even more efficient.

 It has been noticed that many business professionals carry two phones with them. A BlackBerry for work and an iPhone for personal use. A faster brower, a flash supported and friendlier media center will help cut down this new trend that we see today. The Apple will no longer be needed and the BlackBerry will be the only device needed. RIM needs work on capturing two types of customers. The business users that use the BlackBerry to make their days easier and everyone else, which is the consumer. For both business users and consumers, the BlackBerry needs to base itself as a smartphone that only gives you what is neccessary and rapid at the same time. BlackBerry needs to reassure corporate customers that its security, scalability and compatibility are still unmatched

“The next “killer app” for RIM is not an app, at all. It is stepping away from a futile battle of app quantity with Apple. BlackBerry must continue to position itself as a productivity enhancement, not try to compete as a digital distraction.” –  Ron Adner and William Vincent

 To read the full piece of Ron and Williams work, click here >>>  Next Killer App


 Source: Forbes