BlackBerry is reportedly in talks with Drake to help launch their upcoming BlackBerry Classic, Drake, a loyal BlackBerry user has come on board not only to be its brand ambassador, but has lend his creative talents to design the upcoming BlackBerry Classic, which is due in five months.
Drake has been a BlackBerry Bold user for quite some time, and it still hasn’t left his side as you can from the recent Instagram picture below:
It is only fitting that they let a Canadian, long time BlackBerry user help unveil the BlackBerry Classic! What do you all think?
TechCrunch was quoted as “It’s still possible the deal could fall through, and BlackBerry will have to look elsewhere for ways to get the general public excited about its upcoming QWERTY device in November. “
Update: Well that didn’t take long, BlackBerry has just confirmed that they are not in talks with Drake about joining the BlackBerry team. I personally don’t know if BlackBerry really needs a brand ambassador but it did seem folks were kinda excited by the news that Drake was in the running. Looks like all that excitement doesn’t matter after all. > JM