Bloomberg has reported that the BlackBerry Tablet or “BlackPad“ will be set to launch in November. It will consist of a screen size of 9.7 inches and have W i-Fi and Bluetooth. Speculation is set to be in the month of November. In my opinion, I would run a “BlackPad” on “BlackFriday” ad. The day after the Thanksgiving holiday in the United states is known for one of shoppings most busiest days of the year. According to Reuters, in 2007, 135 million people participated in the Black Friday shopping rush. With great savings, The next question about this device is the name. With RIM buying out the domain, “BlackPad” will be a top contender to be the official name of the BlackBerry Tablet. Keep in mind that RIM has purchased domains before under rumored product names. This is RIMs game plan in recent history, a preventive measure against retailers who try to copy the product.
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Bloomberg also stated the declaration in the price of this device will be very similar compared to Apple’s iPAD. Apple has over 255,000 apps available while RIM just announced 6,000. This is where the Developer’s Conference is crucial in making sure developers learn what can be done in the new platform in the world of developing for BlackBerry. Using HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 is also coming, so these next months are going to be interesting as far as official confirmation
source:Bloomberg Businessweek