Donta here with another review on the fly. I was inside the Sprint store with my buddy when I noticed the only BlackBerry there wasn’t a dummy. The BlackBerry Style 9670 was quietly eying me as I walked closer to the display table. You see, my buddy has an Android device, but, he wants a Berry and who better than me to help him convert to the ‘good side’ but me? Right? Of course. Now, as he spoke to the Sprint rep, I looked in and out of the style; mainly checking out the physical and pursuing through the operating system.
I love the look, size, and feel of the device. The OS was fluid and worked so fast. The track pad was raised so I could feel it when using it, which is a pretty good feature in itself. The keyboard was tighter than the Bold but, that doesn’t bother me too much. If I ever had to use the Style, I’d get used to it. The bezel was so nice =). The back cover was consumed but the safety attachment so not much of a reaction there. Both screens were nice. The external display is the key feature here. It displays the clock at all times and possesses the options to receive messages without opening the device. You can scroll through messages with the volume up and down keys easily and preview messages. When you open the device, it opens that message for a quick reply. There folks, is a quick breakdown of the BB Style’s features. I like the device and when my buddy gets it next week, I’ll have FULL coverage on it. I’m excited, I hope you are too. Check out the photos and full list of features below.
*BlackBerry 6 OS
*1150 mAh battery
*512 MB RAM
*5 MP Camera
*Internal Display: 360 x 400
*External Display: 240 x 320
*Bluetooth 2.1
*8 GB Memory Card
*Full Qwerty