The BlackBerry Style that was launched as a Sprint exclusive on Halloween has migrated North and landed at regional Telus stores in Canada. At first it was unknown as to how the public was going to react after a second attempt to try and ‘perfect’ the BlackBerry fliphone. So far, all the feedback has been more than positive so its not surprising that this CDMA device is making its way into the system of cross carriers. Right now the only info known on this release is that it has a hefty price tag of $399.99. No subsidized pricing plan or official launch date has been confirmed yet but it was heard that its going to launch withing this upcoming week. Check below to read what the style is equipped with
BlackBerry 6 OS
Full QWERTY keyboard
5 megapixel camera with auto-focus and
LED flash,
MicroUSB port,
WiFi.Click here to read a review I did before the device was launched.
Source: MobileSyrup