Early this morning RIM announced that they have opened their first retail store in China. BlackBerry smartphones have been mostly sold through third-party distributors for years now, so having an official retail store will really help boost BlackBerry back into popularity. Currently, the devices offered by the store right now are the brand new Curve 8910 as well as the Curve 8310 which will both be carried by the China Mobile Network. More stores are expected to open in China. Does this mean that more citizens living in China will be able to get a hold of a BlackBerry easier? Or is this going to be the the warehouse for shipping off BlackBerry devices to the entrepreneurs and executives of China? All these questions are worth looking into. With President Obama and Chavez capitalizing on the the power of the web and social media, it will be interesting how China handles this issue
What are your thoughts on this? I would like to have a few more contacts from China on BBM, would you? Let us know what you think.
Source: CIO