BlackBerry PlayBook popular must have Twitter client updates to version 1.7 in App World. Lots of changes & bug fixes to go along with it.
What’s new?
- Portrait Mode
- Auto-correct and spell check
- LED notifications
- New Tweets – White
- Mentions – Blue
- DMs – Green
- Followers: Yellow
Bug Fixes
- Show Link Barcode does not display barcode
- No confirmation when unfollowing, blocking or reporting a user
- No way to return to conversation after viewing user’s profile (in reply to…)
- Slow performance retrieving home timeline
- Tapping gear on tweet card always shows menu instead of toggling
- Direct message links are not clickable
- Cannot send tilde (~) character in a tweet
- Only Klout scores (actual number) are tappable and not logo
- Font size and family are not updated after options are closed
- Profile links not clickable
- Cannot put a mention before editable RT
- Delete Tweet deletes a tweet but does not remove it from timeline
- Swiping down on search and list view lists peeks the tweet compose
- Fonts sometimes not updating when appearance is changed
- When moving up and down the list of Followers, Following, Tweets, the card pulls down exposes the tweet composer
- Cosmetic improvements
- Embedded links (Foursquare) sticking if dismissed too fast
- Keyboard does not appear when replying
- Keyboard disappears after adding an @mention from the friend picker
@Jcarty has also provided some tips via Kisailab:
Reply All – Hold down on Reply icon
Edit Retweet – Hold down on Retweet icon
Fast Switch/Add new account – Swipe from top bezel then tap the current account. Other accounts show here. Press + to add a new one.
View tweets of a specific user – Tap tweet count on user profile
View followers of a specific user – Tap follower count on user profile
View following of a specific user – Tap following count on user profile
Shortening urls – Paste/type url then type a space
Swipe tweet card to the right to close it.
Swipe down on the tweet card to quickly compose a new tweet
Customize font type and size in Advanced Options > Appearance
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