BlackBerry PlayBook 2 Keeping Innovation Alive

With RIM now involved in the tablet market, it has vowed to keep its users updated with innovative technology. It has been rumored that the all new BlackBerry PlayBook will have a follow-up by a new release of PlayBook 2 which will feature a 10 inch screen, white colored option, and a slimmer version. N4BB and some of its anonymous sources have confirmed that the stylish new PlayBook 2 will not only look great but it will also have carrier capabilities that will function with 4G on Sprint and will have a SIM card slot which leads to further insight for future carriers. The 4G access will boom its sales simply by having the freedom of accessing the internet anywhere, anytime. What’s more, these sources assure us this new PlayBook will have native email and calendar apps and be able to connect to BlackBerry Enterprise Server without the help of BlackBerry Bridge app. RIM has yet to verify and confirm its 2011 Holiday launch, maybe they have something else up their sleeve.