The recent launch of BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 not only brought the much-awaited features of the PlayBook to the BlackBerry empire (pun intended), but also officially launched the BlackBerry Device Service, an essential component of the BlackBerry Mobile Fusion — the cause of much excitement among developers.
You’re probably wondering, “what exactly is the BlackBerry Device Service and the BlackBerry Mobile Fusion?” and “how will these impact the future of applications?”
Continue reading for more.
BlackBerry Device Service is an essential component of BlackBerry Mobile Fusion — RIM’s new unified multi-platform mobile device management (MDM) solution for managing in-market BlackBerry OS devices, future BlackBerry 10 devices, iOS, and Android.
BlackBerry Device Service is a technology that RIM included with PlayBook OS 2.0 that allows it to work significantly well with BlackBerry Mobile Fusion.
Working together with BlackBerry Balance, this service provides a direct, secure connection for transferring data to Enterprise servers in the presence of complex company firewalls. To better understand what this means, picture this:
This is your secure, guarded, private underground tunnel leading to the inside of your house that only you know, while above ground, all your 100 guard-dogs are continuously at work protecting your house. The tunnel will afford you faster access to the inside of your house, because you won’t have to work your way through all your 100 guard-dogs. At the same time, security will also be ensured, because aside from the fact that only you know about the tunnel, you’ve put in place security cameras and human guards to verify your identity. Nice, right?
Okay, let’s get back to the topic.
BlackBerry Device Service will pave the way for the development of applications that will give Enterprise users greater flexibility, and significantly improved functionality, because it provides a “secure AES encrypted pipe to transport your data securely from behind the firewall.” Simply put, more data can be transferred at much faster rates of speed. This is something that developers look forward to or hope for, because the amounts of information, and the speed at which they’re processed are crucial for building powerful applications.
As for Enterprise customers and users, this technology will enable them to enjoy the benefits of significantly improved functionality of Enterprise applications, and subsequently, improved productivity, performance, and efficiency.
Read the full article at BlackBerry Developer’s Blog