The guys over at intomobile have got their hands on a branded Telus BlackBerry Curve 3G. The video is short but provides and effective overview of the new device that is set to be released soon. Check out the unboxing for a sneak peak of how the phone looks coming straight out of the box. As if we do not know how this device looks, it has the same form factor as the economical BlackBerry 8520/30 series, with some minimal cosmetic changes. The guts however, is a different story. Breathing with a strong internal upgrade, and I say strong because it will be BlackBerry 6 ready! It comes with OS5 but I say BlackBerry 6 ready because when available, the 9300 will be able to support the appropriate version of 6. Earlier we posted that Vodafone Uk was getting the Curve 3G in an exclusive Vf red, and we already know T-mobile is offering the Curve 3G in two colors, a smoky violet and graphite grey. Also known is that Bell, Rogers, and as you can empirically see in the video, Telus as well are picking it up. Question is WHEN? or even WHY? Mooove on RIM! Enough of me, Let’s take it to intomobile
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