BlackBerry Commercials New Section On BlackBerryEmpire!!

So today I felt really inspired and decided to insert a new section on BlackBerry Empire called BlackBerry Commercials, A place where we can go back in time and relive some of those old BlackBerry Ads that used to play non-stop on our TV’s.

And to kick-off this weekly section, i decided to put one of my favorite BlackBerry commercials of all time which is actually from a device i used to love before going on to full qwerty keyboards, The BlackBerry Pearl 8100!!, In this video you’ll see a really sexy BlackBerry Lifestyle portrayed by a beautiful model, This was used to promote the BlackBerry Pearl 8100 from Virgin Mobile Canada way back in 2006.



And if you have a favorite BlackBerry Commercial you think we should post simply leave a comment, email me or tweet me @isalguezalex!