BlackBerry 6 Bold 9700 Full Coverage Part 1


The team felt it necessary to give you all of the tips and tricks of BlackBerry 6 running on the Bold 9700. I’ve compiled a series of videos that will be uploaded to YouTube containing information from how to get OS 6 on your device, to what features of OS 5 have carried over that you may or may not notice. I know that BB6 will be as exciting for you as it is for me. I love it. Even through the bigger issues like memory leaks or smaller ones like G Talk not functioning so well, I stick with it. This OS is such a step forward that I can’t help but dive deep into it to find out what features there are that you don’t know exist. I have prepared an initial video that you can check out @ this link: BlackBerry 6 On My 9700. This video briefly shows my impression and what BB6 looks like. Stay tuned for the next video which will explain how to get BB6, for those of you who are very anxious. I’m excited to share with you and I hope you’re excited to learn as much as I am.


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