Donta here revealing a few tips about BlackBerry App World within a few posts. First, I’d like to introduce you to the “Newest” tab in the “Top 25” section of the App World. For those of you who are fairly new to BBE or to BlackBerry in general, I’d like to invite you to gain some knowledge from these posts. I recall my wife mention the availability of apps being non-existent and I’m thinking, I know she must be kidding. The sad truth is, not a lot of people are even aware that the BlackBerry platform has a app catalog of some sort.
To fix that, I’m revealing a few simple tips that could easily help you when deciding what app to purchase or download for free. Let’s be honest, most people download the same apps that everyone else does anyway.
As you can see the image shows a few of the most recently added themes to the App World. Each of them are premium and there are some free apps/themes there for you to choose from if you continue scrolling. If you’re ever looking for the next-best-thing, you can come here. I’m sure new & exciting apps show up here pretty often. Another good thing about the newest tab is cross-platform apps/games. If there is an app that you know is being developed for BlackBerry devices(Angry Birds please!), you can head here to see if it’s been approved for distribution. That’s all for this post…Enjoy your BlackBerry.