BlackBerry 10 – Wikitude announces first Augmented Reality SDK

Press Release: Wikitude launches world’s first augmented reality SDK for BlackBerry 10
Start building your augmented reality app for BlackBerry 10 now!

SALZBURG 25 September 2012 – Wikitude, the global leader in augmented reality experiences is happy to announce the availability of the world’s first augmented reality SDK for the BlackBerry® 10 platform.

The Wikitude SDK for BlackBerry 10 is based upon Wikitude’s powerful ARchitect engine, which allows developers to build upon standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to create augmented reality worlds. In doing so, there’s no need for developers to learn additional programming languages, allowing them to get AR creations off the ground and up and running in minimal time.

With the beta release of the Wikitude SDK for BlackBerry 10, developers can create augmented reality experiences from the ground up, or quickly and easily add AR elements to their existing BlackBerry 10 apps.

“We’re quite excited to give developers a head start on creating augmented reality based apps for BlackBerry 10.  We’ve been using it internally, and our team has already made a few AR experiences for testing purposes, and I’m amazed!  I can’t wait to see what developers from around the world create with the Wikitude SDK for BlackBerry 10,” comments Wolfgang Damm, Wikitude’s Lead Software Architect.

“The addition of the Wikitude SDK for BlackBerry 10 provides our developer community with another amazing tool that can enable them to create unparalleled mobile app experiences for BlackBerry 10 customers,” commented Alec Saunders, VP Developer Relations, Research In Motion.

The beta version of the Wikitude SDK for BlackBerry 10 is now available directly from the Wikitude Website. Interested developers only need to register with Wikitude to get full access to all the documentation and resources available. Wikitude also encourages developers to help other developers via the Wikitude Forum, which has a specific BlackBerry 10 developer section. Another reason to register right away is to make sure you will get notified about the upcoming developer contest with awesome prizes to be won.