BlackBerry 10 & Robert Rodriguez – Episode I – Project Green Screen

Earlier today we introduced the newest member of the BlackBerry 10 Keep Moving Projects, Robert Rodriguez. Well we now have episode 1 of his project for all of you to view. For any of you who aren’t quite sure who Robert is, he is a acclaimed filmmaker and is known as “the one man film crew” because he often assumes the role of producer, director, writer, editor, cameraman, and composer and he is now part of team BlackBerry.

In this video Robert tells us what it’s like to be a filmmaker and how creative his life is because of it. He also says that he doesn’t consider what he does as working but he considers it to be playing. Robert goes on to talk about how he needs the help of all his fans and their creative imagination to complete this project.

Checkout the video for more and if you want to become part of this project head over to BlackBerry Keep Moving Projects to join in on the fun. Also make sure to sound of in the comments below and let us know your thoughts about these videos that BlackBerry has been releasing.