The official BlackBerry BizBlog is at it again, this time letting us know on some of the different workplace solutions. Continue reading for more.
A while back we ran a post on the growth of co-working spaces amongst Small and Medium Businesses (actually, amongst anyone – it seems that the appeal of co-working spaces is vast, spanning from the entrepreneur right through to travelling road warriors from F100 companies). Check out the Co-Work directory that we posted last year.
That said, Co-Works may not be the best fit for everyone. There are a number of other very viable alternatives out there that might work better for you. In these times of total mobility and working wirelessly from anywhere at any time, I expect that we will see more non-traditional workspace options coming up. Here is a brief synopsis of some other alternatives for the mobile worker, along with some links for more information.
Workplace Solutions – The most common non-traditional office-type suppliers are the very large providers of ‘workplace solutions’ along the lines of Regus. There are many types of packages and options to choose from to meet any business’s types of needs. Plus many are global so you may be able to opt for access to their buildings in various locations depending on where your business or personal life takes you.
Office Business Centers – These tend to be more in line with the Regus model of office space rental/lease than Co-Works, but there are many and they are varied across North America and the rest of the world. Business Centers in this category tend to be more local and individually owned, so they likely have their own flavor and style. They sometimes have reciprocal usage options amongst them as well.
Incubators or Accelerators – These are usually based on an application for entry and come with additional services and consulting to help get your company off the ground. Normally, the expectation is that you wouldn’t stay in an incubator or accelerator for the long term. They are meant to do what the name implies: get your business going to the point where you ‘graduate’ and go it on your own.
If none of these are what you are after, the local coffee shop with free Wi-Fi® is also a tried, tested and true solution.
Where do you like to work? Do you use a combination of these solutions to be most productive?