Android Player for PlayBook LEAKED! [Download Now] W/ Screen Shots

We’ve just been given a heads up via our tip line on this early beta version of the promised Android Player for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. To download this very early version of the Android Player for the PlayBook you will need to “sideload” it or install it via dev tools. From what i’m hearing, there’s nothing much you can do with it but hopefully with stuff like this leaking early, RIM will get on the ball and have it officially released to us before summer ends as promised.  The download is roughly at 145 mb so if you want to at your own risk, download below for free. More details to come as soon as they’re available.

Download Android Player for BlackBerry PlayBook here
How to Side Load HERE

*Note This is no official release. BBE is not responsible for bricked or buggy PlayBooks. Installation should be done at user’s own risk. When downloading, do not touch! Let it finish before using tablet.