Looks like BlackBerry is aiming to support as many devices possible as they are targeting Windows operating system for their BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 (BES 10). BES 10 currently supports iOS and Android devices, but it seems like BlackBerry India’s Managing Director Sunil Lalvani decided to dish out BlackBerry’s future plans to support Windows ‘soon’, no timetable or other details were included in the interview.
BlackBerry plans to continue gaining revenue from their services, adding more operating systems will help them achieve this as it opens up many more opportunities with currently %65 of their revenue already coming from services.
Who knows how sure we are of Sunil’s comments as he earlier made a comment in an interview that BlackBerry will end support for the BlackBerry OS at the end of 2015, which BlackBerry later reached out to us to claim that statement was false, he was however on point with letting us know in advance the price cut of the BlackBerry Q5 in India.
Hopefully BlackBerry does start supporting Windows devices soon, so they could start developing for both BBM and BES 10 and enjoy a rapid gain in customers.
Source: Economic Times