Review by Hamsterwheel and JayDee
In anticipation of the most wonderful time of the year, comes a most colorful theme for your BlackBerry phone by BBT called POP. And the colors of the theme will make your BlackBerry pop with bright yummy colors and easy use. The theme features a unique weather slot, a framed home screen and hide-able dock.
The default home screen is very colorful, as is the entire theme. The blues, reds and oranges add some needed color and spice to your phone. The overall look of the home screen with the dock visible is that of a large bag of candy just opened. This is not your typical business/professional theme. What I like the best is the thin black border that frames the home screen. With this, you can turn any wallpaper into a lovely painting on your home screen.

All my screen shots are with the dock hidden. I prefer to click the bb button to access my icons. That way, the home screen stays complete open and wallpaper friendly. In fact, I haven’t changed this theme since I first got it! I find almost any wallpaper looks great with it. The number one fashion accent on the theme? The weather/OCD slot.
Jaydee likes to keep her home screen clean, as do I, but on occasion, I do like to see the dock open which gives me easy access to all my apps. Particularly if the dock looks good:-). And in POP, the dock gives you more vibrant colors, and a whole lot of access. Use */# to hide and show. You won’t have to leave your home screen at all. The items available to you are actually not apps but folders. Scroll on each folder, and the apps will “pop” up. They are Favorite, Media, Messages, and Social. Within each category will be the application that corresponds to that item. So, see, really you have access to everything.

The notification bar has room for a lot of icons, and clicking it takes you to a Today listing that includes 3 calendar items, 2 test messages and 3 email messages. While the date and time are smaller and tucked into that black frame, everything you need is available from the home screen.
The colors of this theme continue throughout the UI. The application screen has the same mix of colors as are on the home screen and dock. I love the look of this as you can clearly see all the icons and what they are. Brilliant and full of Pop.

Really, this theme does make your Blackberry pop. Not only in looks, but in responsiveness as well. It is very smooth, and so easy to navigate. Pop has all the classic goodiness of a BBT theme. Unique, options, and a cool features are always present and this one has them all. With added color. Pop is available for $5.99 at the BBE Store for OS5 and OS6. T’is the season folks…add some fun to your phone and Pop goes your Blackberry!