As many of you may know BBM has been in beta testing for a couple weeks now, and it looks like those tests went well because BlackBerry is rolling out their latest update to the app in BlackBerry World for everyone. This latest update brings the app to version and we have the change log below.
BBM change log for version
- Send stickers in group chats
- See when a contact has received and viewed your sent pictures
- Share multiple pictures, files and contacts at the same (Multi-person chat only supports multiple pictures)
- Timed pictures and messages can now be viewed multiple times until the timer expires
- Added a new 60 second timer option
To grab this update head on over to BlackBerry World now or just tap here.
I know it wasn’t showing for me on my BlackBerry Q10 but it was on the Z30, so if you don’t see it yet just hang tight as it makes its way through the system (I updated my Q10 by going to BlackBerry World on my laptop and pushing it to the device).