BlackBerry Messenger(BBM) has always been a powerful icon within the BlackBerry experience. Anyone who uses a BlackBerry knows about BBM. Now, I don’t mean people who obtain one temporarily until they get a new device, but those of us who own and use BlackBerry devices know of and use BBM to some extent. I remember my first BlackBerry and how awesome it was to have BBM on it. I thought it was the coolest feature in the world, next to push e-mail. My name is Donta, I’m a BBM user and this is my story.
I have scrolled through countless forums in search of friends to add to BBM. I even reviewed an app called Pinwall that allowed users to share their BBM PINs without any hassle. I am very familiar with the BBM 5.0 uproar of 2009. Anyone using BBM near the end of 2009 is familiar with the new feature “broadcasting” and how many people added their PIN to a never ending list in order to gain more contacts. I used BBM during that time to uphold my reputation as an expert on “all things BlackBerry”.
BBM is a business and a personal tool. When mobile carriers are being weird with their services, BBM keeps me connected to my family & friends. I can’t count how many times I’ve sent my mother, sister and other family members messages explaining my living situation or marital decisions. Being in the military isn’t easy and when I can’t talk as much as I’d like to BBM is there for me. I even use to keep up with some of my old co-workers back at the law firm. All I do is update my status and they can quickly relay my status to the rest of the office.
BlackBerry messenger allows people to stay connected seamlessly. I BBM you and you quickly reply. If you read it, I’ll know it. If you don’t read it I’ll know that too. If you need a picture, I can send you one. If you aren’t good at typing and we have something important to speak on, we can send voice notes. We can transfer contacts and plenty of other files without any pain. If my wife is having a baby, I can broadcast it to everyone I know and get “Hey!!! Congrats to a new addition into your family” replies for hours. I’m sure you get the point. I don’t mean to rant but it must expressed to the world that loyal BlackBerry users are still here and they reside faithfully @ BlackBerry Empire. I hope you can appreciate this short editorial and remember to pass it on. Long Live BlackBerry Thank You!!!