Hello BlackBerry users and BlackBerry Empire readers. Give your eyes a break and open up your ears for a moment. For around 50 mintues, you will hear me(Kris) and (Donta) the Liaison, talk BlackBerry and about the world surrounding it. We cover topics ranging from device releases, app updates, and several other recent events that have occurred concerning BlackBerry in the present.
It’s our first show and we’re all psyched. So hopefully this will be good enough to help kill some of your time. I know there are a lot of podcast and radio show listeners, so BBE Radio is here to the rescue. We’re going to consider this to be more regular depending on the outcome. In our next Radio episode, we’re going to see what has come up in the world of BB and get that broken down for ya. Also, we’re going to have a special guest join us that has made global headlines, plus stirred up talk at RIM headquarters amongst some engineers and staff. Hope you enjoy the show.
Click here to download Episode 1 of BBE RADIO >>>BBER_1
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