Today, President Barack Obama joined ‘The View’, and mentioned Twitter, discusssed his BlackBerry issue, touched on his iPod, and briefly mentioned iPhone. When asked if he tweets on Twitter, Obama responded that he does not tweet through the account. However, a “20 year old” member of his staff tweets on behalf of the Office of the President. Pretty cool job to have. I wonder if my BA in Poli-Sci will land me a gig like that? hmmm..
Obama said he still has his BlackBerry, but it’s less fun for him now because only 10 people are able to contact him on it. So much for that ObamaBerry everyone was talking about last December. He mentioned everyone’s afraid that all communications will be covered by the Presidential Records act and so “juicy stuff” is not communicated via BlackBerry. With RIMs strong security platform, I wouldn’t use anything BUT a BlackBerry to communicate. I have seen numerous videos of former President LBJ, and he always used to record his phone conversations with people he spoke to on the phone with. Why? Just for his records. This was way back in the 1960’s tho, so today we can just imagine how far the secret service will go to record a phone call. Not too mention there is always that nice little app called CaptureIt that enables you to take a screenshot of your BlackBerry screen.
A question surfaced as to Obama’s iPod. He listed a number of artists on his iPod which are; Jay-Z, Frank Sinatra, Maria Callas, but NO Justin Bieber. Obama met Bieber already when he sang at the White House. Obama noted, “He’s a nice young man.” when asked about the iPhone, Obama responded, “I have not made the switch.” Good thing he has not made the switch, He’ll have that thing tossed in no time with Apple’s Antennagate issue.
Did you watch the President on The View today? What did you think? Out of those 10 contacts Obama has on his BlackBerry, how many are on his BBM? Can you guess if they are his staff? Friends? Fam? What do you think Obama’s score on BrickBreaker is? Im sure traveling can get tiring, nothing like a BlackBerry to keep you entertained.