Simple Design has created another stunningly functional and lovely theme for your BlackBerry phone called Aqua Text. It features a hide-able OCD slot and text dock, and aqua and green highlights that will remind you of the seashore.
The most useful feature of the theme is the text dock that is hide-able. It appears at the top of your home screen with SPACE and dismisses with ESC. The three text icons contain the most used shortcuts and this time, I agree with them all! Message contains BBM and Text Messages; Media contains Pictures, Videos, and Music; and Phone contains shortcuts to Contacts and Options. Wow! Everything you need to access is there under subtle grey text icons. When selecting a shortcut, the highlight is a seafoam green!
The theme also contains an OCD slot that can be hidden as well. Use * and # to show and hide the OCD in the lower right-hand corner. The meters and indicators are all clustered in the lower left-hand corner of the home screen and give you all the info about your Berry that you need without obstructing the wallpaper. The area is transparent.
The clock is click-able, so is the signal meter and the Profiles icon. So that’s 11 different shortcuts on your home screen and all of your wallpaper shows, too! Amazingly classy in design and creatively clever, Aqua Text is a theme you MUST add to your arsenal of themes on your BlackBerry. I will keep this one in my rotation along with the other classics and go-tos.
This theme is small in size, wallpaper-friendly, smooth and functional. Hide the dock and hit space when you need it. One-handed operation saves the day for me! It is available for OS 5 and OS 6. Kudos to Simple Design for another winning theme!
You can purchase Aqua Text at Mobihand here for only $3.99. This is one you need to have on your Berry.