How many BlackBerry users have tried to replicate the Steve Jobs ‘Deathgrip’ over the weekend? I know I have! I tried gripping my BlackBerry Bold 9700 every which way possible. In my experiment, I could not get bars to drop to save my life. Only once or twice, I had the bars quickly drop but then they would go back up again. I took my hands off the device and set it on the table. The bars still dropped and restored, leaving me with questions and leaving an even bigger sour taste in my mouth after reading claims made by Steve Jobs. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one trying to replicate the Apple ‘Deathgrip’ on my BlackBerry device. Our very own member and Moderator Kaveros, has put together an excellent 10 minute video of a test he did in an attempt to “Death grip” some signal loss into his BlackBerry 9630. Kaveros had some interesting findings in his test. Compared to my experiment, He did have a slight drop in one bar when putting the phone in the Apple ‘Deathgrip’. Now keep in mind, whether you are left or right handed, it is highly unlikely you will even ‘Deathgrip’ the device when talking on the phone. Any of you notice they used the same ‘Deathgrip’ on all the devices, even though each device has a different antenna location? Enough of me, let’s give the floor to Kaveros now.
Steve Jobs claims that “all smartphones have this issue.” Now, I understand that Apple’s $100 million lab tested a 9700, but last I checked, the 9630 did qualify as a smartphone.
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Well said and proven Kaveros, thumbs up. This 10 minute test clearly proves that Steve Jobs needs to reconsider another position on the antennagate issue, because “All” smartphones do not have the iPhone 4’s reception problem. Instead of bringing other manufacturers in such as RIM, Motorola, HTC, Nokia, and others, Apple needs to work on a solution to fix their mishap. Even with poor reception where this video was recorded, minus the bar that dropped, The BlackBerry Tour was still operable and both Data and reception was not affected to where the phone could not be used. The BBE forum page loads without fail on Kaveros‘ 9630. No rendering problems whatsoever. I think we all agree here at BBE that Jobs is full of it. He needs to leave others out of the outcome of his decisions. Rather than pointing fingers, just fix it, learn from a mistake and move on. His researchers, engineers , scientists or whoever informed him of this issue was right. Next time he needs to listen to the reports that his “$100 million lab” gives him. Presidents and CEO’s pay a lot of money to their staff. Utilize the reports given by them and avoid impulsive decisions like this which have a costly outcome for all.
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