Adobe Systems Inc Launches Adobe Connect Mobile App

Adobe Systems Inc. has just launched the Attend Adobe® Connect™ app for the PlayBook tablet over at the BlackBerry App World. By downloading Adobe Connect you can take part in online meetings using your BlackBerry PlayBook. The app is free and gives you immediate access to online meetings anytime, anywhere.

Participate in multi-point video conferencing, with 2-way video, using your PlayBook’s camera during your video conversation. Watch all the activities happening in the meeting at once, see who is in the meeting, and collaborate with others using live text chat. Use VoIP meeting audio to broadcast straight to your tablet or phone over a WiFi or 3G connection, or chose to join a telephone conference if the option is provided by the meeting host.


• Attend Adobe Connect meetings with integrated conference call or Voice over IP audio. Let the meeting call you, and avoid entering cumbersome dialing codes.
• Use Meeting Overview to watch all the activities happening in the meeting at once or tap to focus in on any one meeting activity, such as slide presentations, PDF documents, videos, and screen sharing provided by your meeting host or other presenters.
• Focus on an activity to enter your input in Chat, Private Chat, and Polls.
• Use 2-Way Video to participate in multi-point video conferencing and add your own upstream video broadcast to the conversation.
• Join meetings attended by users on virtually any computer system (Mac, Windows, Linux and Solaris) plus other mobile devices.

Download here for free from the App World