I recently added a new theme by Magic Moment Designs to my BlackBerry phone. It is Abiding. And it is elegant. From the lovely script font to the minimalist home screen to the custom icons, it is a theme to enjoy looking at and its useful as well.
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The home screen is minimal, with a rather large transparent banner at the top. On the banner are the typical icons, except this banner has some tricks up its sleeve. The clock is clickable and takes you to clock options. As you move up the screen, Manage Connections appears from the darkness of the banner to allow you to click on it. And if you scroll to the lower right of the banner, you will see the phrase “Hide All Docks” which is exactly what you must do when you want to dismiss the dock of icons. The signal and battery meters are in the percentage style and appear in the upper most right-hand corner.
The hideable dock includes 6 icons. To get the dock to show, scroll to the left on the lower portion of the screen and “Tools” will appear. Click on it and there is your dock. Scroll to the center and choose your Sound Profile. Scroll to the right and the choice “Msg” appears to show you the Today menu. To close out of any or all of these scree additions, scroll up to the top banner, to the right and choose Hide All Docks. Simple enough but done is script font, the menu is readable and dainty.
The theme colors are very sedate and at first, I was concerned it would be very dull. But as I changed my wallpaper, I realized that subtle color is not a crime. Many wallpapers work well with this theme. Here are a few examples.
Make sure to give Abiding a look at Mobihand for $6.99. Use the coupon code BBEmpireOpen and save 20% on this purchase until April 15th. This is a lovely theme and you shouldn’t let the price scare you away.
The theme is available for OS6 devices: 9100, 9300, 9650, 9670, 9700, 9780 and 9800. For OS5 it is available for 9100, 8520, 8900, 9000, 9500, 9630, and 9700.