9700 PlayBerry Theme Video-Review

The fresh PlayBerry Theme for the 9700 that we posted a few days ago has caught attention to several of us here at BBE. The Liaison ordered it instantly upon reading the post. The responsiveness of the theme drew him to craft up a video theme review for you. Watch as he breaks it down step by step. Enough of me, check it out

Features of the PlayBerry Theme for 9700
* Today ‘Activity Log’
* 5 user desired lower dock icons.
* Search & Options access buttons on top bar as seen on Playbook.
* New Battery icon as seen on Playbook.
Click here for more features >>><

Get this theme for only $1.99 Here

What are your thoughts? I’m using a BB6 theme on my 9700. I’m on my way to test this one out. It will keep me satisfied until the real PlayBook is released. This will keep me complacent until then. If I only had WebKit on my my 9700 to go hand in hand with the PayBerry theme. Thanks for tuning in, keep checking back for more BB coverage brought to to you by BBE. Don’t forget to RT and share on FB. This one is over now.