While hunting for news and what not this cold morning I noticed something in the BlackBerry App World. If you scroll down to the bottom and select “Newest Items” we see that the first 25 listed are ebooks.
What is an ebook? If you’re still unaware as to what an ebook is, generally, it’s an electronic version of a previously published and printed book. Why have authors turned to ebooks? Well, In fact some authors have found the eBook to be the perfect way to self-publish. They cut out the middlemen like agents and publishers, and can offer their novels or non-fiction for a small fee to interested readers. Some people find the electronic format easily adaptable, while others miss the comfort of flipping through physical pages of a crisp book.
Whatever the case my be, be pleased to know if you ever get the urge to read a good book head to the App World. You might get lucky and your favorite book can be accessible anywhere directly from your BlackBerry.
Head here to check out some ebooks from the App World