Over 1 Million BES10 Licenses have been issued through EZ Pass


This is news we can begin to get used to: Over 1 million BES10 licenses have been issued to businesses across the world through EZ Pass in exchange for BES5 and competitor licenses. 

BlackBerry figured it was time to set the record straight, over at the BlackBerry Business Blog, BlackBerry have created a very nice looking infographic, detailing just how well BlackBerry is dominating the EMM space, including their current market position, security certifications, award-winning customer service and investments for the future.  Have a look at below, it ‘s pretty darn sweet!  (Click on the image to zoom in)

EMM Infographic


The image paints a pretty picture. More and more media blogs should damn well take a look at this and reconsider their statements, including competitors who claim to have a superior EMM solution other than BlackBerry’s

Source: BlackBerry Business Blog