1 in 3 U.S. Planes WiFi ready


Last summer my family and I took a vacation to the diverting Las Vegas, Nevada. Our flight was from San Antonio to Denver, from Denver to Nevada. Round trip, I was aboard a total of four different airplanes and not ONE had wifi available. Today, about a year later as i’m exploring online, I see an article title ‘Wi-Fi Available on 1 in 3 U.S. Planes.’ Sarcatically I thought , well just my luck. I would have liked those numbers to apply to my situation. Then analytically I said, would it even matter today? Or is it favorable if I took another airplane trip somewhere in the United States today, would I end up on an airplane with wifi available? Working with 1/3 translates into 30-35%,  I would say my chances on getting on a wifi equipped plane today would be pretty slim, at least for now.

On the skeptic side, wi-fi in planes isn’t a new subject at all, especially in other countries. The  airlines in the U.S need to catch up and focus on getting this spread to more aircrafts. Onto the optimist side.With time and effort, the low 30-35% can translate into the upper 80 -90% in a matter of 5-7 years. This will be great for frequent flyers who travel for business or leisure. Having the ability to access emails, complete research, download and upload will make your trip a little more exiting, not to mention a good efficient way to kill time. Of course there are always fees when associating with airlines, so expect some service/connection fee.

Have you recently been on a wifi ready airplane? What do you think about wifi on planes? How was it? Let us know any in the air connection stories, or your opinion towards this subject. Be sure to share on facebook and twitter. you can follow our Blog account at @bbempire.

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