Official: OS For BlackBerry Torch 9860 Via Redington
Official OS has been released for the Torch 9860 from Redington.
Business and Marketing Insights
Official OS has been released for the Torch 9860 from Redington.
. If you’ve been thinking about picking up a Torch 2 9810 from T-Mobile you might want to wait because right now T-Mobile has sold out of the Torch model. If you head over to you will notice that […]
[blackbirdpie url=”!/Spotify/status/149505021153787905″] We are excited to let you know that our BlackBerryapp is no longer a Preview release and is now available to any user with a compatible phone. To download the app simply point the browser on your phone to and […]
Kevin over at CB brings to us the first image of the BlackBerry Milan, it is the next generation BlackBerry 10 slider. What do you all think of this image? Looks like it is going to be a big upgrade […]
After seeing the BlackBerry Torch 9810 in T-Mobile’s internal system. BerryReview provides us with an actual image of the Torch 9810. How many of you T-Mobile users plan on getting one of these?
Features included in this release are: Million of songs available instantly on your BlackBerry. Offline playlists – listen to music with no mobile connection and avoid using your data allowance Create and sync playlists Star your favourite tracks Search tracks, […]