So You Say You Wanna “Revolution”? This Theme Will Change Your BB For Sure!

RJ Designs has a Revolution(ary) new theme that will change the face of your BlackBerry phone. There are many faces of Revolution; laarge clock that changes colors, no clock, and a dock that hides. All of these unique features combine to give your BlackBerry a professional look and functional capabilities.

Default home screen of Revolution

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Let’s take this one feature at a time. The most prominent feature is the big LCD style clock. The clock can be two different face colors: white and a dark grey  Screen shots to follow will show the darker color. Use Alt #/* to change the clock color. Within the clock area, is the OCD slot (used here is BeWeather). You also have the weather text and another OCD text icon. I use BBM as my go-to app! Slots 1 and 2 will show in the clock area.

Revolution with dock hidden and clock grey

In the screen shot above, you can see the three lines of text within the clock area: the date, wi-fi name, and owner name. Also, the clock color has been changed to dark grey. I have hidden the dock of icons. Do that with Alt +/-. Want to show your Today screen? Do that with Alt ((/)) .  What a game changer, right? So many choices already! Now, let’s add another wrinkle. Turn off the clock.

Revolution with user wallpaper and clock, dock hidden

If you hide the clock and the dock, you have a wide open home screen. The notification are at the top still, all your meters, the date and time are smaller and your wi-fi name still appears if you are connected. The rest of the real estate is your wallpaper. Love it. Sometimes you feel like nothing in the way. “Revolution”ary.

App screen of Revolution


The Droid-like icons are easy to see on the basic black app screen and the focus icon is Droid green. The highlight on the menus is also the distinctive green, making this theme very easy to use in bright sunlight or out of doors. SO now we have it all: a hide-able dock, a color-changing clock that can disappear if need be, and 2 OCD slots. This theme will change the way you look at your BlackBerry phone.

Revolution with user wallpaper

Download this theme today from our BBE Mobihand store here for just $1.49. Experience a Revolution of your own on your BlackBerry phone. For OS5 and OS6 on the following devices: 9700, 9650, 9630 (OS5 only), 8900 (OS5 only), and  9780.

Revolution with user wallpaper