Reflect7 Carbon v2 for BlackBerry Phones by AG Designs and Graphics

Reflect7 Carbon v2 for OS6 by AG Designs and Graphics is quite a mouthful for a BlackBerry theme; but however you say it, it looks great on your berry! Reflect7 includes a weather slot and custom icons, a sliding dock and shortcuts that make it is full-service theme.

Reflect7 Home screen

Just look at those icons! As soon as I saw them, I knew I had to have this theme! I love the graphic the icons perch on as well. 5 icons show in the window and another 5 will scroll into view as you use the track pad. Underneath the icon dock are two more shortcuts…to the 11th and 12th icons on your app screen. That’s 12 apps that can be opened from the home screen. Very full-service theme.

Reflect7 with user selected wallpaper

From the home screen, you can use the battery shortcut to Options, notification bar shortcut to Messages, and signal bar shortcut to Manage Connections. It is refreshing to see so many home screen shortcuts. I think the shortcuts add to the usefulness of the theme and make it one that I will use over and over again on my BlackBerry. The profiles icon and OCD (weather slot) complete the home screen.

User selected wallpaper with Reflect7

In this theme, the icons are custom, the dialogue boxes are out of the ordinary and the theme moves fast! There is no lag or slowdown, even though there are super transitions. And I love transitions. I found the theme very easy to get used to, comfortable to use on my berry and it didn’t leave me wondering where things were; as sometimes happens with a theme.

Reflect7 with user selected wallpaper

Pick up a copy of Reflect7 Carbon v2  at our BBE Mobihand store. The theme is available for $2.99 and is available for almost all phones. Don’t miss out on a fast, smooth theme with custom icons and many home screen shortcuts.

Reflect7 Carbon v2 with user selected wallpaper