Join the New Blaving Voice Social Network

Our allies over in Venezuela have discovered a new “voice” social network. Blaving is a new Social Network which allows you to record instant voice messages and to share them with whoever you wish to do it. Send voice messages of up to 2:00 minutes which is equivalent to 1400 characters.

According to the description, Record and then listen to what is going on. Follow who you’re interested on and make your friends follow you. Don’t type it anymore: say it, record it and post it. Each post can include a title, the recording localization, tags and an image identifying that post.

More button

As of now the app is available for iPhone, Android and Nokia. The BlackBerry appears with a message displaying “Coming Soon”

What do you think of this? This is the first I hear of a voice social network. I’ve always thought Twitter would be cool if there was a voice note option.

What are your thoughts? Don’t forget to share

via TodoBerry